Authors Custom Gin


Brand Identity
Design Direction
Packaging Design
Website Design

Designed at
Media Design School︎︎︎

For an individual project at Media Design School, I created Authors Custom Gin, a custom-distilled gin subscription service designed to stand out as a down-to-earth, direct-to-consumer alternative.
       I designed a simple, flexible brand and packaging system, where colour and typography is used to highlight customised features of the product. To support the brand rollout and launch,
I also created a set of brand guidelines, a website prototype and a brochure.
       It was important to ensure the “down-to-earth” positioning flowed through the brand, including in its look and feel, as I knew any movement away from this would decrease visibility in a crowded market. Integral was the use of a milk bottle to give an innovative but grounded feel, energetic but pastel brand colours, and a punchy, concise style of copywriting.
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